
Synagogues in Poland
Czestochowa (Chestokhova, Tshenstokhov)
Once there was Great Synagogue (burnt by Nazis in 1939) -
on the foundations of the synagogue at Wilsona street there
was built the building of Philharmonic in 1955 and now it
functions as the concert hall

Before the WWII
In 2005

In 2005

The plaque on the building with information in three languages
Polish, Hebrew and English: "This is the site of the
new synagogue which was burnt by Nazi barbarians on 25th December
1939. This action started the extermination of Jews in Czestochowa.
The building of the State Philharmonic Hall was erected on
the remains of the new synagogue"

(the photos of selected synagogues are low quality;
to order high quality photos of those and other synagogues
click here)