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People - linkPeople
• Berisz (Dow-Ber) Meisels - Rabbi (b.1798-d.1870)
• Henryk Wohl - in 1863 was in "The National Government" (January Uprising)
• Majer Balaban - writer and historian (b.1877-d.1942)
• Ignacy Schiper - representative in Polish Seym in 1919
• Rafal Szereszowski - senator in Polish Senate in 1922
• Abram Ajzenberg - actor playing in the movies before 1939
• Jozef Gabowicz - sculptor from Warsaw
• Mordechaj Anielewicz - leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (b. 1919-d. 1943)
• Frumka Plotnicka - fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto and the Bedzin Ghetto

Places - linkPlaces
• Polish towns (and Hungarian, Ukrainian, Romanian) with maps
• Synagogues in Poland (and Hungary, Ukraine, Romania)
• Jewish cemeteries in Poland (and Hungary, Ukraine)
• Collection of symbols used on Jewish tombstones in Poland
• Nazi concentration camps - present day photos:

* Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland)
* Belzec (Poland)
* Chelmno nad Nerem, Kulmhof (Poland)
* Dachau (Germany)
* Majdanek (Poland)
* Mauthausen (Austria)
* Stutthof, Sztutowo (Poland)
* Treblinka (Poland)