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DORA GOLDKORN (Dorka Goldkorn, Wanda Brzozowska)

Born: Warszawa (Warsaw), Poland (in 1922)
Died: near Pabianice, Poland (in 1947)

She wrote a book "Wspomnienia uczestniczki powstania w getcie warszawskim" (memoirs from the Warsaw Ghetto, about resistance and the Uprising in the Ghetto) published in 1951, so after her tragic death in 1947

She lived in Warsaw at Panska 17 street. As a young girl she was in 'Spartakus' - Organization of Socialist Youth (in their magazine called 'Strzaly' Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski debuted as a poet). In the Warsaw Ghetto the people from Spartakus met at Muranowska street. There were five girls in the Dorka's group: Ludka Arbajtsman, Renia Niemiecka, Esia Twerska, Rozka Rozenfeld and Lena. They were in touch with Haszomer Hacair from 1940. In 1942 Spartakus joined PPR. The Dorka's group lived at Nowolipki 49 (the Hoffman's factory). In April 1943 Dorka Goldkorn had acted as a liaison between groups, fighting in the area of Leszno 74, Nowolipie 61 and Nowolipki 51. On April 24, 1943 group of people with Dorka Goldkorn tried to exit from the ghetto through the sewer canals, but they were arrested (some of them killed) and Dorka was sent back to the ghetto to Umschlagplatz. Later she escaped from a train going to Majdanek and she hid short time in a forest. In the summer of 1943 Dorka Goldkorn was caught by the Germans together with other partisans during German offensive on the forests. She was later imprisoned in Ravensbruck, Oswiecim (Auschwitz) and Bergen-Belsen. By a miracle she survived the war. Just after the war she worked in PPR in Lodz town. Dorka Goldkorn was killed in January 1947 in a car (shot by militia - very strange accident... She was 25 years old... she was killed almost 2 years after the World War II).

Let's remember Dora Goldkorn.