Name of deponent: Lejb Grinbaum
Birth date: February 1, 1904
Birth place: Wolbrom
Parents: Jozef and Chaja (maiden name:Lewkowicz).
War-time residence: Dabrowa Gornicza, ul. Narutowicza 35
Current residence (1947): Dabrowa Gornicza, ul. Krolowej
Jadwigi 40.
Occupation: Tailor
On Sunday, September 3, 1939, I escaped from Dabrowa Gornicza,
on foot, by way of Olkusz to Pinczow. There, I fell into
German hands. In Pinczow, the Germans, because one Polish
soldier had fired at them in the town, set fires in the
town with flammable materials. A large number of Pinczow’s
population died as a result. After entering the city, the
Germans gathered the remaining residents and brought them
to the church square. There, they were held for three days
without food. Following these three days, we were released.
I, after four weeks stay in Kielce, returned via Zawiercie
to Dabrowa Gornicza. I hurried even more because information
I had received on my return way was that the Germans had
confiscated the belongings of those who had fled and not
I remained in Dabrowa Gornicza from October 1, 1939 until
March 17, 1942.
The head of the local Äeltestenrat (Judenrat), which
had been organized in 1939, was Izaak Borensztejn, a merchant
and owner of a store selling old iron items and rags. The
Ordnengruppe (Jewish police force) had been organized in
1941. In 1940, displaced persons from Germany, Czech and
Austria arrived in Dabrowa Gornicza.
The first Arbeitseinsatz took place in 1940. The Aktion
was carried out on the basis of summonses issued by the
Community Council (Judenrtat). At that time, several hundred
persons were deported. The second Arbeitseinsatz took place
in 1941. German police went from apartment to apartment
carrying lists of names. They arrested the men named and
brought them to the police station located on "Reden"
square on ul Krolowej Jadwigi. Only the poorest people were
taken on the basis of the list. Rich people already possessed
I was taken by three Germans from my apartment and brought
to the square. The entire Aktion was carried out by Germans.
Kuczynski and Lindner arrived at the square by taxi. Before
this, Ludwig helped by other Germans, had separated us into
two groups. In one group were those persons who had "Sonders"
and, in the second group, those who didn’t have these certificates.
When Kuczynski and Lindner came, I slipped into the group
of persons having the "Sonders". Earlier, I had
been with the group which had no "Sonders". Those
persons possessing "Sonders" were released. The
Germans sent the others to the Dulag. At this Aktion, 1,000
men were sent to forced labor in Germany.
In November 1941, the Dienststelle demanded Jewish young
women from the age of 16 be provided by the Judenratfor
for forced labor in German camps. The Judenrat then sent
summonses to the young women demanding them to appear under
threat of eviction of their parents from apartments and
deporting them to forced labor in Germany. I brought my
16-year old daughter to the Judenrat under this threat.
The Community Council was, at that time, located on ul.
Zeromskiego. In this Aktion, terrible things took place.
Mothers wept and lamented in the Judenrat building, broke
windows and caused a disturbance. There was even a slapping
of President Borensztajn’s face by these Jewish women. There
were cases in which parents hid their daughters. Then Jewish
"Ordners", by order of the Community Council locked
some apartments and took the parents to the Judenrat’s prison
until the missing daughters appeared. At this point, the
German police and Jewish "Ordners" took the girls
to the tram and sent them to the Sosnowiec Dulag.
There were gathered in the Dulager young Jewish women from
all of Zaglembie. My daughter was deported to the labor
camp in Grünberg where she remained until the mill
was evacuated in (January) 1945. She was marched by the
Germans to Bergen-Belsen where she died of typhus four weeks
after liberation by English army.
On March 17, 1942 another Arbeitseinsatz Aktion occurred
in which craftsmen working in their own workshops, such
as tailors, shoemakers, butchers, bakers, top-makers (for
shoes), carpenters, etc. were taken. In that morning, German
police took me from bed to the police station at the square
of mine "Reden". There, the Germans brought, until
noon, all the craftsmen and journeymen working in private
workshops. At 3 p.m., the Germans took us, in a group of
several hundred persons, to the Dulag in Sosnowiec. We remained
in the Dulag for three days. Then, all of us were taken
to the camp "Sakrau". I was there for only 14
days. From "Sakrau", I was taken, in a group of
about 200 persons, from Dabrowa to Birkenheim, which, in
Polish, is Brzezinka. It is located near Piekary Slaskie.