Name of deponent: Gertruda Goldstein
Birth date: June 4, 1909
Birth place: Wroclaw
Parents: Gustaw and Elzbieta (maiden name: Krebs)
War-time residence: Bedzin
Current residence: Katowice, ul. Mlynska 17/2
Occupation: Magister Farmacji (Master of Science in pharmacy)
I lived in Bedzin from September 15, 1939 until June 22,
1943. Before the war, I lived in Piotrowice, 7 km from Katowice.
On September 1, 1939, the entire population of Piotrowice
was evacuated. We went by freight train from Sosnowiec to
Wolbrom. When the Germans occupied Wolbrom we wanted to
return home, but the Germans wouldn't allow us to return
to Piotrowice. At the border near Szopienice, the Germans
asked if I were Jewish. When I replied “Yes”, the German
said: "Kein Jüdische Fuss wird Oberschlesien mehr
betreten". I settled then, together with my sister,
in Bedzin. In Bedzin, I had to change our apartment four
times because the Germans each time removed Jews from various
In January 1940, I lived on Pilsudskiego street. In the
afternoon, at 3 o'clock, civilian Germans came and inspected
our apartment. They ordered us to move from there within
three hours. All our furniture had to remain in the apartment.
In the same fashion, the Germans evicted many people from
other apartments.
At the end of July 1942, a company named "Werkstätte
für Verarbeitung von Filz und Lederabfälle, R.
Braune” was organized in Bedzin. During the assembly-deportation
of August 12, 1942, I had a certificate of work from Braune's
workshop. I worked in the office as a shorthand typist.
At this time, the factory was the property of the German
man named Braune who stemmed from Wroclaw. In this factory,
the workers repaired military shoes and manufactured children’s
shoes, boots and sandals made from felt. The felt items
were all made from waste materials. The second in command
of the Braune Company was a Pole. The office-boy, to, wasn’t
Jewish. All the remaining specialist positions in the factory
and office were occupied by Jews. Men and women from the
age of 14 worked in the factory. There was even in the factory
a 12-year old boy working.
The main office of Braune's factory was located in Bedzin.
Braune had three divisions: one in Sosnowiec, one in Bedzin
and the third in Dabrowa Gornicza. The biggest factory of
the firm was located in Sosnowiec. In all the divisions
of the firm, there were employed about 2,000-2,500 Jews.
Of this number, about 500-600 were in Bedzin and a lesser
number in Dabrowa Gornicza.
A month after the large assembly and deportation, there
was a roundup in our factory. Our management knew of it
in advance. As a proof of this was the fact that our manager,
Szerszewski, told me in advance to go home. Representatives
of the "Sonderbeauftragte" arrived and gathered
all the workers in the factory yard. They took several young
girls and boys (for forced labor in Germany ). I earned
80 Reich Marks monthly (gross earnings). Unskilled men and
women earned, on the average, 11-15 Reich Marks weekly (gross).
Specialists earned more. There was one shift in our work
-- from 7 to 4 o'clock. We didn’t work on Sundays.
On June 22, 1943, the Germans surrounded the Kamionka ghetto.
They ordered all the residents to leave their homes and
go onto the street. The Germans assembled us onto Robert
Koch Street and later took us in front of the Judenrat.
The Germans then made a selection. Rossner's workers were
set aside as a separate group. From the rest, they accepted
childless women who appeared voluntarily for Arbeitseinsatz
and men up to the age of 40. I applied, together with my
sister. I was taken with a group of 200 persons - mostly
women - by the Germans via tram to the Sosnowiec Dulag.
The men were taken to Bedzin to train.
The men among us were taken to Trzyniec - among them was
my brother. I spent three days in the Dulag and then the
Germans took me, with group of 40 women, to the Klettendorf
camp near Wroclaw for work in a cement mill. The remaining
women were taken away to the Grünberg labor camp.
Following the sending of our group to the Dulag, the Germans
had taken the remaining people, those who weren’t working
in Rossner's factory, as a transport to Oswiecim (Auschwitz).