Name of deponent: Aron Gelbard
Birth date: March 5, 1883
Birth place: Wolbrom
Parents: Szlama Chaim and Szejva Hinda (maiden name Raucher).
Pre-war residence: Czeladz, since 1894
Current residence (1946): Sosnowiec, ul. Modrzejowska 2
The town of Czeladz is located 5 kilometers from Bedzin.
It doesn't have a railway station, but is connected with
all of Zaglebie by a tram-line. The population of Czeladz
numbers 25,000 inhabitants, mostly workers employed in the
mines and smelting works of Siemianowice and surroundings.
The Jewish population numbered about 2,000 persons before
the outbreak of the war. A part of Jews was of the local
population and another part were newcomers from towns of
Kielce province. Czeladz was a quiet town where Jews worked
as traders, craftsmen and laborers. There were Jewish bakeries,
tailors, shoemakers, carpenters and stall-keepers. There
is also a Jewish tannery which employed Jewish workers.
Jews also worked as hawkers and sold goods on credit to
the local working population and as well as in the Silesian
villages bordering Czeladz.
Czeladz, before the war, didn't have its own religious Jewish
Community, but for this purpose was joined with Bedzin.
In Czeladz, there was a synagogue which was an orthodox
house of prayer with its own Rabbi. The Jewish cemetery
was held in common with that of Bedzin. It was located 2
kilometers from Czeladz on the road leading to Bedzin. Jewish
youth studied in local schools, though the more wealthy
among them studied in the well-known Bedzin high school,
the Szymonostwa Fürstenberg High School. There was
also a Talmud Torah where Jewish youth received both a religious,
and lay, education. The Jewish population of Czeladz joined
with the neighboring large concentration of Jews in Bedzin
so that there was an active, lively cultural life.
An interest-free loan program was begun which gave loans
to poor Jewish families and afforded them the possibility
of earning a livelihood. There was also an assistance organization
for poor, sick persons named "Bikur-Cholim" as
well a hostel for poor persons. There were also active various
Jewish political parties, ranging from the Aguda to the
radical Left.
On September 5, 1939, the Germans entered Czeladz which,
until then, had remained in the background. German citizens
in uniform as well as Germans from neighboring Siemianowice
began to revel in Czeladz. There began a plundering of Jewish
homes and the beating of Jewish women and children. Twenty
Jews were taken to Bedzin as hostages where they were beaten
and tortured for eight days before being allowed to return
to their homes. Several hundred men were taken for forced
labor. They were required to report daily for work assignments
by German authorities. Each day, they returned home beaten
and humiliated. With each day, there were new cripples created
among the Jewish population.
Jewish men were hidden in special hiding places in various
homes, fearing to appear on the streets because to do so,
invited a beating. The Germans particularly sought out Jewish
men wearing beards and often cut the beards with knives,
tearing sections of skin in the process.
The Jews of Czeladz, who until the war had lived quietly
in the town, now felt the meaning of Nazi persecutions.
Each day brought new anti-semitic ordnances and persecutions.
In October 1939, for the first time in the history of Czeladz,
a separate Jewish Council was formed which numbered the
most esteemed citizens of the town. Later, the Council became
a branch of the Centrale Judenrat, located in Sosnowiec.
There was also formed the local Jewish Constabulary (police).
As in other towns, the Jews of Czeladz were required to
donate all the gold in their possession. Each Jewish person
was required pay a “head tax" of 10 marks. In November
1939, there was brought into being the white armband embroidered
with a Star of David - the sign of shame - which every Jew
had to wear on his/her left arm. Jews had to pay huge, regular
and irregular, taxes, which were sent to the {Jewish} Centrale
in Sosnowiec.
Simply stated, the Germans looted the Jewish population
which was unable to pay the demanded sums. As a result,
the Jewish population was forced to sell its remaining property
for a small fraction of its worth.
The Jewish Council took upon itself the duty of providing
the Germans with a certain quota of forced laborers. By
individual summonses, they brought to reality the demanded
workforce. At first, the poorer Jewish population who weren’t
able to bribe the officials were taken for slave labor.
Rich people bought poor people to send in their stead as
In 1940, the German authorities confiscated from the Jewish
population the homes and shops which they owned. The Germans
took control of the nicer apartments, not even permitting
the Jewish owners to even take personal items. German authorities
ordered the destruction of synagogues.
Jews, who by their own hands and from their own savings
had built synagogues, now were ordered, by their own hands,
to destroy them, to demolish them brick by brick. Many Jews,
with bowed heads, worked at this terrible (for them) undertaking.
Not a few worked with tears in their eyes, tears mixed with
It was then forbidden for Jews to use public trams. Special
wagons, bearing the yellow inscription, "especially
for Jews", were reserved for them though these trams
very rarely worked. This was a serious blow to the Jewish
population because it made the procurement of food very
difficult. The Jewish population was now constantly hungry
because bringing food from Bedzin on foot was hard to accomplish,
particularly since the journey was threatened with searches,
arrests and penalties.
In May 1940, a German was killed by an unknown person. The
German authorities threatened sanctions should the perpetrators
not be found. Jews, then experiencing difficult circumstances,
knew that the responsibility would fall on them. Indeed,
one morning in June 1940, the entire town was surrounded
by German police and Gestapo who been sent for this work
from Katowice. All men - Poles as well as Jews - were taken
from their homes and gathered in one place. They had to
lie down, face to the ground. Then began great revel of
Nazi criminals. They jumped and danced on the prone bodies,
especially on Jewish bodies and beat them with rods and
iron tools.
Blood flowed in streams. The victims couldn’t utter a groan.
This ferocious “play” lasted until late night and when the
Nazi beasts had had enough.They ordered the victims to return,
running, to their homes. There returned to their homes about
300 seriously-beaten and ill Jews. Many of them had to treat
their injuries for months.
Twenty of the victims were transported to Bedzin and held
there several days before they were released. Most of these
died because of their wounds. In this manner, the Germans
celebrated each day, tormenting the Jewish population every
step of the way. In October 1940, the Judenrat sent summonses
to several hundred Jews requiring their appearing for forced
labor In camps for a three-month period.
The Jews didn't know the meaning of the word “camp” yet
and believed this meant they could return home after three
months. The first group to leave consisted of about 200
men from Czeladz. Their letters told of their life in the
camps with hard labor, building highways, suffering hunger,
many seriously depressed.
In 1941, living conditions became more difficult. It was
no longer permitted to leave the city at all, or only with
special passes. When factories ( "szops") were
established in Bedzin, such as Rossner's, Braun's , Loidz's
or Michatz's, many Jews sought to work there because, in
this way, they could go to Bedzin and obtain something (to
eat) from there.
In the workshops, mostly young men and women worked. The
income was minimal, from 15 to 30 marks per month, but the
work in those factories temporarily saved the indivicdual
from deportation to the forced labor camps. About 50 Jews
worked in Czeladz in a factory producing ceramic and porcelain
products as well as various building materials. In October
1941, the yellow patch in the form of Star of David with
inscription: "Jude" in its center was introduced.
Every Jewish person -- men and women -- had to wear this
mark of shame on his or her chest. Jews were evicted from
many apartments and preparations were begun to create a
ghetto. For this purpose, a district outside the city occupied
by a non-Jewish population was selected. The inhabitants
there were moved to the apartments which, until now, had
been been occupied by Jews in the city center. At night,
there were roundups of unemployed Jewish young people who
were subsequently sent to German forced labor camps.
In 1942, there took place a displacement of the Jewish population
to the ghetto. There, several families had to live in one
room. Shops for distributing food among the Jewish population
were taken over by the Jewish Council (Judenrat). Jews could
not appear outside the district except for those who were
employed in Bedzin. These persons had special permission.
In May 1942, the Judenrat summoned people, mostly unemployed,
to appear with personal effects to a maximum of 10 kg.,
at the Community Center for deportation. When the summoned
persons didn't appear at the appointed time, the ghetto
was surrounded at night by the Jewish Constabulary and Gestapo.
Everyone was removed from their homes to a square. There,
a selection was carried out for the unemployed, the sick
and those poor persons who required assistance from the
Community. These were taken to Bedzin where a transport
of Jews from Modrzejow awaited them. The total group was
packed into rail cars and sent to the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
This was the first act in the extermination of the Zaglebie
In this transport were sent away for extermination about
800 Jews. In the city, there was weeping and mourning by
those Jews who remained and whose relatives -- their fathers
and mothers -- had been deported. But life went on. Jewish
society had to continually send its daughters and sons to
factories for work in military-oriented companies. Such
assignment temporarily saved the youth from the danger of
In July 1942, representatives of the Centrale Judenrat from
Sosnowiec came to Czeladz and ordered all Jews to be prepared
for a registration (census) which would take place very
soon. The registration would provide stamped identity papers.
The Jewish citizens were required to appear in their best
clothes, being assured that everything will be quite normal.
In fact, a few days later, there appeared at the appointed
time the same persons together with a representative of
the Sonderbeauftragte (Himmler’s Special Emissary). The
entire Jewish population was forced to assemble in one place,
their identity papers were stamped by the Gestapo and they
were released to their homes. Later, it was seen that the
matter had been a ruse to gather, in the same manner, all
Jewish people of Zaglebie who, in naivite, would suppose
that the same method and purpose would be used for registration
in other towns.
This perfidious ruse was, indeed, successful.
The Jews of Czeladz vegetated in the ghetto and performed
the work demanded by the Germans. They suffered terrible
hunger because, from their earnings they could afford to
buy little food. To bring food (illegally) from Bedzin was
very dangerous. Many Jews had been caught while bringing
food for their families and were arrested, taken to the
Orphanage in Bedzin and, from there, to Oswiecim (Auschwitz).
This vegetation and suffering of Jewish people lasted until
May 1943. On that date, the ghetto was surrounded at night
by men of the Gestapo and Jewish Constabulary. All Jews,
without exception, were forced from their apartments and
driven like sheep all the way to the Bedzin Orphanage. There,
in the Orphanage, fifty persons were selected to work in
Rossner's Bedzin factory and 37 persons working in the Czeladz
factory were released. All the remaining Jewish population
of Czeladz was sent to Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Those chosen
to remain alive as slave laborers, in number the of 87,
had to live in Bedzin. Those working in Czeladz commuted
to work under guard by the Jewish Constabulary. Also, a
small number of Czeladz Jews who had hidden in bunkers moved
to Bedzin where they lived with relatives and friends.
Since this time, Czeladz has been without Jews (Judenfrei).
During the deportation of the Jews from Bedzin on August
1, 1943, there were sent to Auschwitz that small number
of Jews from Czeladz who, until now, had saved themselves.
At the present time (1946), the town of Czeladz, which had
had a Jewish population of 2,000 persons, is a town without
Jews. Of the former 2,000 Jewish residents who had lived
there, there remained alive about 40 persons. These are
dispersed in Europe and the world.