Name of deponent: Rozia Felczer
Birth Date: 30 October 1924
Birth Place: Sosnowiec
Parents: Icek and Sara (maiden name: Weiss)
Present residence: Chorzow, in Orphanage, ul. Katowicka
Occupation: Nurse
The Jewish hospital in Sosnowiec was one of the most useful
institution not only in Sosnowiec, but for Jews of whole
Zaglebie and was by all supported. After outbreak of the
war there remained in the hospital only seriously ill persons.
With coming Nazi's occupation there took management of the
hospital Dr. Liberman, Drs. Tencer, Sztulman, Mamloch, Plawner
and others.
When the Front moved to the East, persons who had fled returned.
Among them were many wounded or seriously ill. The staff
of the hospital was too small to service the increased numbers.
To increase qualified personnel there was organized a 3-month
nurse training course. The Jewish hospital in Sosnowiec
was thereby supplied with 30 new nurses. Sick persons in
the hospital were fed at the cost of the Judenrat. Poor
persons received free medical treatment. The food was usually
poor so that those who were able to eat only what they got
from the Judenrat were constantly hungry.
In 1940 when the Arbeitseinsatz (forced labor) began and
many persons were sent to the "Lagers" (labor
camps), there was an increase in the number of persons entering
the hospital. Many tried to obtain certificates stating
that they weren’t capable of working because of the poor
state of their health. Often, for a small sum of money,
they were designated as incapable of working. The hospital
was overcrowded and sick persons lay two in one bed. The
passageways were full of patients.
In 1941, people returning from the labor camps arrived at
the hospital, sick and exhausted by hard work, swollen or
emaciated from hunger, with broken hands, ill with respiratory
problems. They remained in the hospital until they recovered
and were ready to return to the "Lager". Persons
who were incapable of working were released. There also
worked in the Jewish hospital at this time two non-Jewish
doctors: Drs. Pienkowski and Sokolowski.
At the end of 1941, the number of sick persons increased
due to those returning from the forced labor camps. They
were mostly ill of tuberculosis. In the hospital, sick persons
were guarded by Jewish police, so that those from the labor
camps wouldn’t escape. People from the labor camps who didn't
have money for bribes had to return to the camps after treatment.
Those who had money were released by the Polish doctor Dr.
Zarzecki, who had the deciding voice in this matter.
In 1942, the Judenrat brought from Krakow the famous surgeon
Dr. Frischer, who worked in the Jewish hospital. The number
of sick persons increased constantly, women, too, also returned
from the labor camps. The mortality in the hospital was
high. There were many days when the number of dead people
rose to 8.
In June 1942, the hospital was suddenly attacked by the
Gestapo with the assistance of Jewish police and they removed
sick persons. There occurred terrible, tragic scenes. Sick
people escaped in hospital clothes, many jumped from windows
and those who weren’t able to escape were thrown from the
hospital and taken on stretcher and beds and they were taken
by truck to trains and deported together with other Jews
of Sosnowiec to Oswiecim (Auschwitz) for extermination.
This act shows the dishonorable, infamous, bestial behavior
of the Nazi torturers who didn't respect seriously-ill people
even in a hospital. For this reason there spread panic among
the community. Now, sick persons were afraid to return to
the hospital. However, after some time had passed, the hospital
was again crowded with sick persons returning from the "Lagers".
But then German policy changed. People who were incurably
ill weren’t released as was the case until now, but were
sent directly to Oswiecim (Auschwitz) for extermination.
It became known to everyone that seriously-ill people returning
from the camps were destined for the crematoria. On that
date which is unforgettable for Zaglebie Jews….12 August
1942…. all sick persons had to appear at the sports field.
Only the most seriously-ill remained in the hospital and
an exact list had to be given the German authorities. After
finishing the inspection and deportation, the hospital was
filled with injured and wounded people from Nazi bullets
from the sports field.
In 1943 when the ghetto was formed in Srodula, the hospital
was also moved and re-organized in a building formerly used
as an elementary school. However, the most important equipment
and X-ray machines had to remain in the former hospital.
because the Germans wouldn’t allow us to move it. Dr. Frischer
was no longer with us. Surgeries were done by the Polish
doctors Stoch and Pienkowski who had special permission
to enter the ghetto.
On 22 June 1943, during deportation from the ghetto, many
sick persons were taken from the hospital and thrown into
rail cars. Many of them died before arriving to Oswiecim
(Auschwitz). During the deportation of 1 August 1943, the
hospital was filled with people wounded during the Aktion.
There was a lack of drugs and the screaming and groaning
of the suffering persons who couldn't be helped was heard
not only in the hospital, but throughout the whole closed
However, this didn't last long because, on 6 August 1943
when the ghetto had been liquidated, all sick persons together
with hospital personnel were taken and loaded into rail
cars and deported to Oswiecim (Auschwitz) to the crematoria.
There remained only 6 nurses in the newly-created camp.
The hospital was changed into a prison where Jews taken
from bunkers were held. From there, there were deported
every week transports by truck of 70-80 Jews to Oswiecim
(Auschwitz). When the number of persons was too small, the
Nazi executioners filled the transports with people taken
from the Lager.
On August 13, when the number of camp people increased due
to the people taken from bunkers, a selection was done again
and about 500 persons were deported to Oswiecim (Auschwitz).
The same thing occurred in September 1943. This time about
3,000 persons were victims of deportation.
On December 17 there were deported about 1,000 persons,
among them the person making this report, as well as those
who had been sent from the camp to work in Rosner’s factory
in Bedzin and from there to Oswiecim (Auschwitz). From this
transport about 170 persons went to Oswiecim (Auschwitz)
camp and the rest went straight away to the gas chambers.