Name of deponent: Israel Marymont
Birth date: 1909
Birth place: Checiny
Parents: Abraham and Chaja (born Glass)
Present residence: Katowice
Occupation: Censor in Woj. B.K.P.
When the Germans occupied Sosnowiec, I lived on Dekerta
street #14. I left the town on 28 October 1939 and went
to the USRR.
In the middle of September 1939, on the initiative of a
group of Communists, a conference of representatives of
workers from all Jewish parties was called. In addition
to the initiators, there were present representatives of
the "Bund", the "Poale-Syon" (left and
right) and activists of labor unions and craft unions. The
assembled group discussed the most important matter of financial
help for the many people from among the poor Jewish people,
especially for families of those taken into the Polish Army.
The assembly decided to make a collection of food, clothes
and money to help those most in need.
A committee was created whose members were: from the Communists:
Mojzesz Wygnanski, Abram Sztark, A. B. Rosenkranc and myself;
from the "Bund": Mojzesz Brodkiewicz and Rajzla
Kwalwasser; from "Poale-Syon" (left): Jumek Buchner
and Jojne Szpigiel. I don't remember the names of representatives
from "Poale-Syon" (right). From the labor unions
were: Natal Mustafa, Bela Szenicka and Natan Pariser. Beside
those mentioned, there also took part other active comrades
from all groups.
We were able to collect a large amount of money, many clothes
and a little food. From free charities of Jewish population
from Sosnowiec, collected funds went to persons being most
in need as determined by the Committee members. Difficulties
with a food supply related to war conditions and requisition
of supply made especially difficult for the Jewish population,
particularly, the poor people. There were in the first days
long lines at bakeries and shops which had food.
The Germans sought out Jews in the lines and, screaming
"Juden heraus", they threw them from the queue
and didn't allow them the possibility of buying necessities.
I was myself eyewitness of such events. A friend of mine
was shot by German as she stood in line for bread in front
of a shop.
In the first meeting there were also discussions about the
situation after the formation of the Judenrat. The assembled
people took a negative position toward the newly-formed
Judenrat with Merin as a head. They asserted that the Judenrat
passed on to the poor people the main burden. Small shop
owners in most instances didn't get permission to re-open
their shops while rich merchants, after paying a bribe,
received permission. In such matters, the Judenrat had a
decisive influence.
Moreover, it was mostly the poor people who were taken to
various forced labor sites.