Name of deponent: Regina Horstein
Birth date: 21 March 1909
Birth place: Sosnowiec
Parents: Josef and Chaja (maiden name Horstein)
Current residence: Sosnowiec, ul. Modrzejowska 39
Occupation: Corset maker
Sosnowiec was the biggest town of Zaglebie Dabrowskie.
It numbered, pre-war, some 110,000 inhabitants of which
about 25% were Jewish residents. This means there were about
28,000 Jews. Most of the Jews were newcomers from Kielce
voivodship (province). Jews worked primarily in trade, industry,
cottage industry and hand crafts. The Jewish society of
Sosnowiec had large percentage of working intelligentsia,
among them 25 doctors, 15 dentists, 12 attorneys, many teachers,
engineers, chemists, prosecuting attorney, managers of factories,
agents, druggists, bookkeepers, and so on. In the town was
a beit-hamidrash and 3 synagogues, one on Dekerta street
(city synagogue), the second in Old Sosnowiec on Wiejska
street and the third was a so- called “progressive” synagogue
on Targowa street #11. The Jewish cemetery was located in
the Piaski district.
Sosnowiec had its own Jewish hospital, renowned in all Zaglebie
and under the direction of Dr. Perelman. The Jewish Orphanage
was built with help of the famous woman philanthropist,
Reya Szpiegiel. For old people There was an Old Person's
Home for the elderly. There functioned in Sosnowiec 3 Jewish
elementary schools, a liberal arts high school where courses
were taught in Hebrew, a trade school, a Jewish kindergarten,
as well as private religious schools such as: a Mizrachi
school, an Aguda school, s Bejt-Jakob school, and a Talmud-Torah
school. Broad activity is done by T.O.Z., Women's Association,
Linas-HaCholim, Gemilas-Chesed, Hachnas-Hazkala, Linas-HaZedek.
Jewish society of Sosnowiec possessed several Jewish libraries,
where there were many books in Polish, Jewish and Hebrew.
There was Jewish sport club "Makabi" which was of high standard.
Young people belonged to different political organizations:
from the left to the right wing. The world of work was organized
in labor unions on which the illegal Communists Party had
influence. At the same time the Bund (Socialists) and Poale-Sion
also had influence.
Addition 1:
Early on 12 August 1942 there appeared on almost every gate
mimeographed leaflets in Polish. In those leaflets, the
activity of the Judenrat and the Jewish police was criticized.
It urged everyone not to appear at the “gathering point”
(Umschlagplatz). The manifestos had been prepared by group
of young people from organization "Hanoar Ha’tzioni".
Addition 2:
by Regina Horstein
1. In 1941 there was organized a post office especially
for Jews. The post office was situated on Targowa street
#4. Only Jews worked there as staff.
2. Roundups for the Labor Camps was organized and carried
out by Lindner, Kuczynski and Ludwig
3. In the "Zwilag" (“twin camp”), which was located near
the Skladowa Street Du-lager were held "Ersatz" (substitutes
or hostages) for those not appearing for force dlabor summonses
issued by Merin’ Centrale Judenrat. "Zwilag" was for communication
with those imprisoned in Dulag.
4. There were following workshops in Sosnowiec:
a) Held's workshop; number of workers: about 4,000 people;
production: underwear, uniforms, corsets
b) Schwedler's workshop; number of workers: about 1,200;
production: suitcases, handbags
c) Braun's workshop; number of workers: about 1,400 people
and 60 children; production: shoes
d) Dietel's workshop; number of workers: about 3,000 people;
production: overcoats, furs
e) Goretzki's workshop; number of workers: about 2,000 people;
production: brooms, baskets
f) Land's workshop; number of workers: about 600 people;
production: carpentry
g) Skopek's workshop; number of workers: about 400 people;
production: carpentry
h) Express workshop; number of workers: about 250 people;
production: suitcases
i) Zegarmistrzowski workshop; number of workers: about 100
people; production: watchmaker's workshop
j) Schmatloch's workshop; number of workers: about 150 people;
production: electric devices
k) Workshop "Renoma"; number of workers: about 300 people;
production: underwear
5. A.K. ("Arbeitskommando") organized in 1942, newcomers
from G.G. (the General Gouvernment).
6. The most famous active Gestapo people were: Konrad Peikert,
Hans Dreier and (?) Kat.