Name of deponent: Dawid Pinkus
Born on 1 April 1904 in Czeladz
Residence: Since 1915 in Siemianowice,
a son of Paltyel and Chawa (maiden name Ropensztejn)
The pre-war population of Siemianowice numbered 55,000,
mostly Silesian, with several thousand Poles and 10,000
Germans. There were also 700 Jewish people. The Jews worked
mostly in trade though about 50 worked in the local mines
and some earned a living in the crafts. The Jewish populace
lived in very good financial conditions een though 90% consisted
of newcomers from the surrounding towns of Zaglebie: that
is, from Chrzanow, Czeladz, Bedzin, Sosnowiec.
German Jews, those born and brought up there, numbered 30
persons. In Siemianowice, there was a pretty synagogue which
was famous in the whole region, a Jewish kindergarten and
Community Center. However, there wasn’t a cemetery. The
dead had to be transported to neighboring the area of the
Karol Steelworks.
Interest-free loans helped incoming Jews to settle down
in the town. Young people were taught in the local high
school. Cultural life was not on a very high level. There
were a few Zionists and a few Revisionists who, from time
to time, prepared lectures and thereby gathering all the
community’s Jews to attend. Several days before outbreak
of the war, most of the Jews left Siemianowice left and
went to larger groupings of Jews such as Bedzin, Sosnowiec,
On Monday, 4 September 1939 when the Germans occupied the
town, there were only 35 German Jews. After some time, when
Nazi terror raged in all neighboring towns, there returned
to Siemianowice about 100 Jews, who earlier had abandoned
their properties. The German authorities sought them out
and forced them to work on the public works. Jewish women
had to appear on the streets with brooms and rags to clean
public toilets. Those who didn't have a broom had to clean
by hand.
When the rest of Jews left Siemianowice, there remained
only the German Jews. These were under the illusion that
they would not be affected. After a short time, the Jews
wee required to wear yellow Star of David emblems although
in neighboring towns Jews were wearing already armbands
at this time. They were forced to work in the heaviest and
most disagreeable tasks.
When a Jew wanted to open his shop, he was sent to concentration
camp Dachau. Some days later, his remains were returned
as a box of ashes. At the end of 1940, the small number
of remaining Jews was resettled to Jaworzno, where they
were admitted into the local Jewish Community. Thereafter,
the Jews of Siemianowice subsequently shared the fate of
all Zaglebie Jews.
It is unknown how many Jews from Siemianowice remained alive
At present (1946) about 10 Jews, former inhabitants of Chrzanow,
reside in Siemianowice.