Niwka (near Sosnowiec, now part of Sosnowiec)
Deponent: Lejzor Herman
Born: 18 March 1906 in Modrzejow,
Parent: Majer and Nacha Fajgla (maiden name Gliksman)
Residence: Myslowice, ul. Prebenda 2
Niwka is a small town 400 meters distant from Modrzejow.
In the area lived 12,000 persons. The workers among them
labored in the surrounding steelworks, mines and brickyards.
Among them lived 800 Jews working in crafts and small trade.
Their financial condition were quite good The working masses
purchase their goods in Jewish shops. Jews from Niwka belonged
to the Modrzejow Community, but they had their own synagogue,
a nice library and took an active part in the political
and cultural life of Zaglebie. People who died were burried
at the Modrzejow cemetery.
The Germans occupied Niwka on Tuesday 5 September 1939.
On that very day, they plundered Jewish shops and apartments.
They destroyed synagogues and forced Jews to perform public
work. In November, there appeared an order for Jewish citizens
to wear a yellow badge.
Beginning in 1940, Jewish police appeared from time to time
in Niwka. They made raids and roundups and sent groups of
young people to labor camps in Germany. There came also
from Modrzejow the infamous German sadist Mates with his
dog and persecuted Jews in a sophisticated way. For example,
on one Saturday he rushed into a Jewish house and on the
pretext that Jews were organizing a secret meeting, he shot
several persons while others were mercilessly bitten by
his dog.
At the beginning of 1941, all Jews from Niwka were deported
to neighboring Dandowka and all were subordinated to the
Sosnowiec Judenrat. When liquidation of Jews began, the
small towns fall victim first and all ended their lives
in the gas chambers of Oswiecim (Auschwitz).
At present (1946) there is neither in Niwka nor Dandowka
even a single Jewish person living.