Name of deponent: Biber A.
The pre-war population of the town of Myslowice counted
28,000 people Silesian and Poles, in this also 1,500 Jews,
partly born here and partly coming from Polish towns. Mixed
people there are about 30.
Jews were mostly working in trade and crafts. There were
2 Jewish doctors, 2 dentists, 1 attorney and 1 Rabbi. Myslowice
had its own synagogue and cemetery, it’s own Community Center
where often took place lectures and other events. There
was also dramatic circle, which successfully offered plays.
Although there were relatively small number of Jews there
was Jewish High School and influence of Jews was felt in
every branch.
Some days before outbreak of the warm there occurred a mass
flight of Polish Jews who had come to Myslowice earlier.
There remained only German Jews and half Jews, who were
not overcome by a general panic.
On 5 September 1939, Germans occupied Myslowice. Immediately,
they plundered the Jewish shops, destroyed the Jewish cemetery
and blasted apart by dynamite the synagogue. Jews were forced
to perform hard physical work, old people are removing ruins
of destroyed synagogue. Germans don't spare them blows and
they take pictures of them in different comical poses.
Jews were not permitted to walk on streets after 7 o'clock
in the evening. They had to leave nicer houses and give
up furniture and valuables to the Germans. In June 1940,
the entire Jewish population had to move to Chrzanow. The
resettlement was planned to the street by street schedule.
During several days Myslowice was without Jews. There left
only mixed Jews (half Jews) who are working in local factories
and lived till the end of the war this way.