Berisz (Dow-Ber) Meisels
- Rabbi (born 1798 - died 1870)
Ignacy Schiper
- representative in Polish Seym in 1919
Mordechaj Anielewicz
- leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
(born 1919 - died 1943) |
Henryk Wohl
- in 1863 he was in "The National Government"
(January Uprising)
Rafal Szereszowski
- senator in Polish
Senate in 1922
Frumka Plotnicka
- Jewish woman, fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto and the
Bedzin Ghetto
Majer Balaban
- writer and historian
(born 1877 - died 1942)
Abram Ajzenberg
- actor playing in
the movies before 1939
Jozef Gabowicz
- sculptor from Warsaw
before 1939