owards the end of the 16th century the flood of immigration
abated and new communities were founded generally as a result
of the movement of the population from the crowded districts
to new quarters. In around 1648 Jews lived in over half
of all cities in the Commonwealth, but the center of Jewish
life moved from the western and central parts of Poland
to eastern voivodships where two out of three townships
had Jewish communities. Beginning in the middle of the16th
century Jews started to settle in the countryside in larger
numbers. In the middle of the 17th century there were 500,000
Jews living in Poland, which meant some five per cent of
the total population of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The legal position of the Jews was still regulated by royal
and princely privileges and Sejm statutes, with the difference
that in 1539 Polish Jews from private towns and villages
became subordinated to the judiciary and administration
of the owners. From that time on, an important role was
played by privileges granted by individual lords. On top
of that, the legal status of Jews was still influenced by
synodal resolutions and the common law.
this amounted to a considerable differentiation in the legal
position of the Jewish population. In some cities Jews were
granted municipal citizenship, without, however, the right
to apply for municipal positions. In many towns, especially
the gentry towns, Jews were given complete freedom in carrying
out trade and crafts, while in others these freedoms as
well as the right to settle were restricted. Finally there
were also towns where Jews were not allowed to settle. In
the 16th century more than twenty towns obtained the privilegia
de non tolerandis Judaeis. These included Miedzyrzec in
1520, Warsaw in 1525, Sambor in 1542, Grodek in 1550, Vilna
in 1551, Bydgoszcz in 1556, Stryj in 1567, Biez, Krosno
and Tarnogrod 1569, Pilzno in 1577, Drohobycz in 1578, Mikolajow
in 1596, Checiny in 1597. In practice, however, this ban
was inconsistently observed. In other locations, separate
suburbs, "Jewish towns", were formed (for example
in Lublin, Piotrkow, Bydgoszcz, Drohobycz and Sambor) or
the Jews fought for and won the revocation of those discriminatory
regulations, for example in Stryj and Tarnogrod. The restrictions
imposed on the territorial expansion of Jewish quarters
forced the Jews to seek the privlegia de non tolerandis
christianis, or bans on Christian settlement in Jewish quarters.
Such privileges were won by the Jewish town of Kazimierz
in 1568, the Poznan community in 1633 and all Lithuanian
communities in 1645.
etween 1501 and 1648 Jews further intensified their economic
activity. This was accompanied by a basic change in the
occupational structure of the Jewish population in comparison
with the previous period. The primary sources of income
for Jewish families were crafts and local trade. The magnates
for whom Jewish traders and craftsmen were an important
element in their rivalry with the royal towns, generally
favored the development of Jewish crafts. On the other hand,
in larger royal towns as well as in the ecclesiastical towns
Jewish craftsmen and also Christian craftsmen who were not
members of a guild (known as partacze or patchers) were
exposed to permanent harassment from the municipal authorities
and the Christian guilds. They could carry out their occupations
only clandestinely. In a small number of towns, for example
in Grodno, Lvov, Luck and Przemysl, some Jewish craftsmen
managed to wrest for themselves the right to perform their
trade from the local guilds, but that only after having
to pay heavy charges.
these difficulties Jewish crafts, which were encouraged
by royal starosts and owners of gentry jurisdictions, not
only maintained their state of ownership but expanded it
considerably. In the middle of the 17th century Polish and
Lithuanian Jews practiced over 50 trades (43 in Red Ruthenia)
and were represented in all branches of craftsmanship. The
most numerous of them were those who made food, leather
and textile products, clothing, objects of gold and pewter
and glass manufacturers. In the first half of the 17th century
Jewish craftsmen founded their own guilds in Krakow, Lvov
and Przemysl. In Biala Cerkiew several Jewish craftsmen
(tailors and slaughterers) belonged to Christian guilds
in 1641. In the 16th and the first half of the 17th century
Jews played an outstanding role in Poland's foreign trade.
They contributed to the expansion of contacts with both
the east and the west and were instrumental in importing
foreign commercial experience to Poland. Particularly animated
trade contacts were maintained by Jewish merchants with
England and the Netherlands through Gdansk, and Hungary
and Turkey through Lvov and Krakow.
ews exported not only Polish agricultural produce and cattle
but also ready-made products, particularly furs and clothing.
In return they brought in goods from east and west which
were much sought after in Poland. Jewish wholesalers appeared
at large fairs in Venice, Florence, Leipzig, Hamburg, Frankfurt
on Main, Wroclaw and Gdansk. In order to expand their trade
contacts they entered into partnerships. For example in
the mid-16th century Jewish merchants from Brest Litovsk,
Tykocin, Grodno and Sledzew founded a company for trade
with Gdansk, while in 1616 a similar company was established
by merchants from Lvov, Lublin, Krakow and Poznan. At the
turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, in many towns Jewish
and Christian merchants set up joint ad hoc companies in
order to conclude profitable financial operations. In European
and overseas trade only a relatively small number of Jews
were engaged. The most numerous group among Jewish merchants
were owners of shops as well as stall keepers and vendors
whose whole property was what they put on show on the stall
in front of their houses or on a cart, or what they carried
in a sack on their backs. The expansion of Jewish trade
troubled the burghers for whom Jewish competition was all
the more painful since they now had yet another rival in
the developing gentry trade. The struggle of part of the
burghers against Jewish merchants manifested itself among
other things in attempts at curtailing Jewish trade. The
monarchs, though generally favorably disposed towards the
Jews, under the pressure from the burghers and the clergy
passed a number of decrees which restricted Jewish wholesale
trade to some commodities or else to certain quotas of purchases
they were allowed to make. More severe restrictions were
contained in agreements concluded between municipal authorities
and Jewish communities, though these were seldom observed
in practice. In private towns, Jewish trade, which yielded
considerable profit to the owners, could develop without
any obstacles.
he Jews' trading activity also encompassed credit operations.
The richest Jewish merchants were often at the same time
financiers. The most famous Jewish bankers were the Fiszels
in Krakow and the Nachmanowiczs in Lvov as well as Mendel
Izakowicz and Izak Brodawka in Lithuania. Those and a number
of other Jews pioneered centralized credit operations in
Poland. Though banking institutions created by them mainly
financed large Jewish tenancies and wholesale trade, as
a sideline they also lent money to the gentry on pledge
of incoming crops and to Jewish entrepreneurs. A positive
role was also played by much smaller loans granted by Jews
to many small craft and trade shops. In many cases these
loans were instrumental in opening a business. However,
the other side of the matter must not be overlooked. The
lending of money at high interest led to the impoverishment
of both Jewish and Christian debtors. Some of them were
put in prison as a result and their families were left with
no means of subsistence. This money lending activity aggravated
prejudice against Jews among the burghers, something which
had always been there anyway due to their religious and
traditional separateness.
n important field of the Jews' economic activity were tenancies.
In the period under discussion, next to rich merchants and
bankers who held in lease large economic enterprises and
the collecting of incomes from customs and taxes, there
appeared a numerous group of small lease holders of mills,
breweries and inns. There also increased the number of Jewish
subtenants, scribes and tax collectors employed by rich
holders. Some of the latter sometimes attained important
positions. For example, in 1525, during the ceremonies connected
with the Prussian Homage, without relinquishing his Jewish
faith the main collector of Jewish taxes in Lithuania, Michal
Ezofowicz was knighted and given the crest of Leliwa. His
brother Abraham Ezofowicz, who had been baptized, was also
knighted and granted the starosty of Minsk and the office
of Lithuanian deputy treasurer. In the first quarter of
the 16th century, Jewish lease holders performed their functions
as full-fledged heads of enterprises subordinated to them,
for example salt mines and customs offices. "In this
period," wrote in 1521 Justus Ludwik Decius, the chronicler
of Sigismund the Old, "Jews are gaining in importance;
there is hardly any toll or tax for which they would not
be responsible or at least to which they would not aspire.
Christians are generally subordinate to the Jews. Among
the rich and noble families of the Commonwealth you will
not find one who would not favor the Jews on their estates
and give them power over Christians."
he gentry, who in the 16th century conducted an unrelentless
struggle against the magnates, came out against the leasing
of salt mines, customs and tolls to the Jews by the lords
and the king. Under the influence of the gentry, the diet
of Piotrkow in 1538 forbade Jews to take in lease public
incomes. This ban was reiterated several times by subsequent
diets but it proved only partly effective. In 1581 the autonomous
representation of the Jews (the Diet of the Four Lands),
which gathered in Lublin, took a decision which, under penalty
of anathema, forbade fellow Jews taking the lease of salt
mines, mints, taxes on the sale of liquor and customs and
tolls in Great Poland, Little Poland and Mazovia. This ban
was justified in the following way: "People fired by
the greed of great income and wealth owing to those large
tenancies, may bring unto the whole [Jewish population]
- God forbid - a great danger."