he earliest verifiable records of Jewish settlement in Poland
date from the late 11th century. However, it is generally
believed that Jews arrived in Poland much earlier. Many
scholars discard the theory that a large number of followers
of the Judaic faith came to Poland from the east in about
965 after the fall of the Khazar state. While it is true
that the rulers of Khazar converted to Judaism, there is
substantial disagreement amongst researchers as to whether
or not their subjects converted in significant numbers.
The first Jews to arrive on Polish territory were merchants
who were referred to as Radhanites. The Radhanites were
merchants whose trade extended over vast distances between
east ans west. They were fluent in Arabic, Persian, Greek,
Spanish, "Franklish" and "Slav" languages.
Their entrance occurred simultaneously with the formation
of the Polish state. One of them was Ibrahim ibn Jacob,
the author of the first extensive account about Poland.
In the summer of 965 or 966 Jacob made a trade and diplomatic
journey from his native Toledo in Moslem Spain to the Holy
Roman Empire and Slavonic countries.
disintegration, the birth of towns and the development of
commodity money relations favored the settlement by Jews
in Poland. Nevertheless, the influx of Jews was brought
about mostly by their persecution in Western Europe, which
gained in force during the crusades. Among the first Jews
to arrive in Poland (in 1097 or 1098) were those banished
from Prague. Jews from Bohemia and Germany settled primarily
in Silesia. They usually engaged in trade and agriculture
and some owned landed estates. By the middle of the14th
century they had occupied thirty-five Silesian towns. Jewish
settlement in other parts of Poland proceeded at a much
slower pace and the first mention of Jewish settlers in
Plock dates from 1237, in Kalisz from 1287 and a Zydowska
(Jewish) street in Krakow in 1304. Earlier, Mieszko III,
the prince of Great Poland between 1138 and 1202 and the
ruler of all Poland in 1173-77 and 1198-1202, employed Jews
in his mint as engravers of dies and technical supervisors
of all workers. Until 1206, Jews worked on commission for
other contemporary Polish princes, including Casimir the
Just, Boleslaus the Tall and Ladislaus Spindleshanks. From
pure silver they struck coins called bracteates, which they
emblazoned with inscriptions in Hebrew.
n 1264, a successor to Mieszko III in Great Poland, Boleslaus
the Pious, granted Jews a privilege known as the Kalisz
statute. According to this statute, (which was modeled on
similar decrees issued in Austria, Bohemia and Hungary)
Jews were exempted from municipal and castellan jurisdiction
and were subject only to princely courts. The same statute
granted Jews free trade and the right to conduct moneylending
operations which were, however, limited only to loans made
on security of " immovable property". The Kalisz
statute, which described the Jews as "slaves of the
treasury", ensured protection of persons, protection
of property and freedom in conducting religious rites. They
were also given the opportunity to organize their internal
life on the principle of self-government of their individual
communities. Similar privileges were granted to the Silesian
Jews by the local princes, Prince Henry Probus of Wroclaw
in 1273-90, Henry of Glogow in 1274 and 1299, Henry of Legnica
in 1290 - 95 and Bolko of Legnica and Wroclaw in 1295.
privileges resulted in hostile reactions against the Jews
by the Catholic clergy. In 1267, the Council of Wroclaw
created segregated Jewish quarters in citiesand towns and
ordered Jews to wear a special emblem. Jews were banned
from holding offices where Christians would be subordinated
to them and were forbidden to build more than one prayer
house in each town. These resolutions, however, though they
were reiterated during the subsequent councils in Buda in
1279 and Leczyca in 1285, were generally not enforced due
to the profits which the Jews' economic activity yielded
to the princes. The turn of the 13th and 14th centuries
saw the end of feudal disintegration in Poland. In the reunited
kingdom the role of towns and the burghers grew. The rulers,
interested in the development of a commodity money economy,
encouraged Jewish immigration. The most outstanding of those
rulers was Casimir the Great who in 1334, a year after ascending
the throne, acknowledged the privilege granted the Jews
in Great Poland by Boleslaus the Pious in 1264. As a result
Jews were exempted from German law and came under the jurisdiction
of the voivodes.
the 14th and 15th centuries the main occupation of Jews
in Poland was local and long distance trade. Jews performed
the role of middlemen in trade between Poland and Hungary,
Turkey and the Italian colonies on the Black Sea. They also
took part in the Baltic trade and commercial operations
in Silesia. Owing to their links with Jewish communities
in other countries as well as experience in trade and moneylending
operations, Jewish merchants gained the advantage over local
merchants, both in European and overseas trade. Following
protests by the rich Polish burghers and the clergy, the
scope of credit operations conducted by the Jews was seriously
curtailed in the early 15th century. In 1423 the statute
of Warka forbade Jews the granting of loans against letters
of credit or mortgage and limited their operations exclusively
to loans made on security of moveable property.
amassed capital was invested by the Jews in leaseholds.
In the 14th and 15th centuries rich Jewish merchants and
moneylenders leased the royal mint, salt mines and the collecting
of customs and tolls. The most famous of them were Jordan
and his son Lewko of Krakow in the 14th century and Jakub
Slomkowicz of Luck, Wolczko of Drohobycz, Natko of Lvov,
Samson of Zydaczow, Josko of Hrubieszow and Szania of Belz
in the 15th century. For example, Wolczko of Drohobycz,
King Ladislaus Jagiello's broker, was the owner of several
villages in the Ruthenian voivodship and the soitys (administrator)
of the village of Werbiz. Also Jews from Grodno were in
this period owners of villages, manors, meadows, fish ponds
and mills. However until the end of the 15th century agriculture
as a source of income played only a minor role among Jewish
families. More important were crafts for the needs of both
their fellow Jews and the Christian population (fur making,
tanning, tailoring).
expansion of the scope of economic activity carried out
by the Jews sharpened competition between them and their
Christian counterparts. In the 14th century anti-Jewish
riots broke out in Silesia which was ruled by the Bohemian-German
dynasty of Luxembourg. These reached their climax during
the epidemics of the Black Death when, as earlier in Western
Europe, Jews were accused of systematically poisoning the
wells. In 1349 pogroms took place in many towns in Silesia
and some of the refugees from those towns, as well as Jews
banished from West European countries, sought shelter from
persecution in Poland. Streams of Jewish immigrants headed
east to Poland during the reign of Casimir the Great who
encouraged Jewish settlement by extending royal protection
to them. First mentions about Jewish settlements in Lvov
(1356), Sandomierz (1367), Kazimierz near Krakow (1386)
and several other cities date from the second half of the
14th century. In the 15th century Jews appeared in many
cities in Great Poland, Little Poland, Kuyavia, Pomerania
and Red Ruthenia. In the 1450s Polish towns gave shelter
to Jewish refugees from Silesia which was then ruled by
the Habsburgs.
1454 anti-Jewish riots flared up in Wroclaw and other Silesian
cities. They were inspired by the papal envoy, the Franciscan
friar John of Capistrano. Though his main aim was to instigate
a popular rebellion against the Hussites, he also carried
out a ruthless campaign against the Jews whom he accused
of profaning the Christian religion. As a result of Capistrano's
endeavors, Jews were banished from Lower Silesia. Shortly
after, John of Capistrano, invited to Poland by Zbigniew
Olesnicki, conducted a similar campaign in Krakow and several
other cities where, however, anti-Jewish unrest took on
a much less acute form. Forty years later, in 1495, Jews
were ordered out of the center of Krakow and allowed to
settle in the "Jewish town" of Kazimierz. In the
same year, Alexander Jagiellon, following the example of
Spanish rulers, banished the Jews from Lithuania. For several
years they took shelter in Poland until they were allowed
back to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1503.
the end of the Middle Ages Jews lived in 85 towns in Poland
and their total number amounted to 18,000 in Poland and
6,000 in Lithuania, which represented merely 0.6 per cent
of the total population of the two states. The 16th and
the first half of the 17th century saw increased settlement
and a relatively fast rate of natural population growth
among both Polish and Lithuanian Jews. The number of immigrants
also grew, especially in the 16th century. Among the new
arrivals there were not only the Ashkenazim, banished from
the countries belonging to the Habsburg monarchy, that is
Germany, Bohemia, Hungary and Lower Silesia (in the 1580's
the whole of Silesia had only two Jewish communities, in
Glogow and Biala), but also the Sephardim who were driven
away from Spain and Portugal. Moreover many Sephardic Jews
from Italy and Turkey came to Poland of their own free will.