
Synagogues in Krakow (Cracow, Krakau, Kroke, Krakuv)
Old Synagogue - located at Szeroka Street.
Built in the middle of the 15th century. After a fire in 1557
it was rebuilt by architect Matteo Gucci. In the 17th and
18th century as well as in the 19th century the synagogue
was remodeled and renovated. At the beginning of the 20th
century (1904 and 1913) again it was remodeled according to
the plans of Zygmunt Hendel - a famous Cracow architect. In
September 1939 Nazis turned the synagogue into a store house.
All relics were confiscated by SS-men in December 1939.

(the photos of selected synagogues are low quality;
to order high quality photos of those and other synagogues
click here)