Sobibor - Poland
1942 - October, 1943
he Sobibor camp was built near the small village of that
name in the eastern sector of the Lublin district, close
to a railroad line. Construction of the camp was based on
experience gained in building and operating the camp at
Belzec. Sobibor, laid out in a rectangle 600 x 400 meters,
was partitioned into three zones. The "forward camp"
had a railroad platform, room for 20 cars, and Germans’
and Ukrainians’ housing quarters.
ews transported to the camp for extermination were taken
to the "reception area," where they underwent
all steps preceding their murder: removal of clothing, removal
of women’s hair, and appropriation of valuables. The extermination
area, the most distant, contained the gas chambers, the
burial pits, and a barracks for Jewish prisoners. The reception
area and the extermination area were connected by a path
150 meters long, 3 meters wide, and bordered by barbed-wire
fences camouflaged with vegetation, through which the victims
were driven naked. The camp had three gas chambers, each
one 4 x 4 meters. Each chamber had an additional door through
which the bodies were removed. The gas was pumped in from
an adjacent shed. In the middle of April 1942, as construction
of the camp was nearly complete, a group of Jews, mostly
women, was taken to Sobibor from the labor camp in Krychow
to make sure the gas chambers would work properly. The pilot
run was attended by the entire camp command.
perations at Sobibor were based on deception; the victims
did not know what awaited them until the gas was being pumped
into the sealed chambers. The first transport included 10,000
Jews from Germany and Austria, 6,000 from Theresienstadt,
and thousands from Slovakia. In the first two months-from
early May to the end of June-100,000 Jews were murdered
in Sobibor. The Germans found that the gas chambers, which
had a capacity of fewer than 600 people, were a bottleneck
in the murder process. Therefore, a halt in camp operations
in the summer was used to construct three more chambers,
thus doubling the pace of extermination.