- Germany
Camp was established on 22 March 1933.
he new Nazi regime established the first concentration camp
about 15 kilometers northwest of Munich, at a site where
a munitions factory had stood until it was abandoned in
the wake of the economic crisis. Heinrich Himmler dedicated
the camp, meant to contain 5,000 prisoners, at a press conference
on March 20. The first group of prisoners-mostly Communists,
Social-Democrats, and homosexuals-was taken there on March
22. Bavarian police guarded the prisoners until April 11,
when the SS took over. Theodor Eicke, appointed commandant
of the camp in June 1933, elaborated its organizational
structure and its detailed rules. When Eicke was placed
in charge of all concentration camps, he applied the rules
and the regimen that he had developed at Dachau elsewhere,
too. Because the institution Eicke developed was meant,
by its very existence, to sow fear among the population,
it became an efficient tool in silencing opponents of the
first Jewish detainees were among the best-known political
opponents of the Nazi regime, since Dachau was a "political
camp" throughout its 12-year tenure. However, Jews
were treated more harshly than other prisoners. Gradually,
members of the Sinti and Roma peoples (Gypsies) were imprisoned
there, along with the regime's political opponents, and
more than 10,000 Jews from all over Germany were interned
there after the Kristallnacht pogrom.
rom autumn
1937 until the autumn of 1941, those who could prove that
they were about to leave Germany were released. When the
systematic genocide of Jews began, the Jewish prisoners
were deported from Dachau and other camps in the Reich to
the extermination camps in the East.