nad Nerem (Kulmhof) - Poland
he village of Chelmno is situated 14 km from the town of
Kolo, through which runs the main railway line from Lodz
to Poznan. In the village there was a small country house
surrounded by an old park, which was owned by the State
and stood empty. In the vicinity was a pine-wood, sections
of which, densely planted with young trees, were almost
impenetrable. This site the German occupation authorities
selected for their extermination camp. The park was enclosed
by a high wooden fence which concealed everything that went
on behind it. The local inhabitants were expelled from the
village, only a few workers being left to do the necessary
jobs. Inside the enclosure were two buildings, the small
country house and an old granary, besides which the Germans
constructed two wooden hutments. The whole enclosure where
hundred of thousands of people were done to death measured
only 2 hectares (5 acres).
helmno was a typical death camp designed for killing all
who where brought there. Those who were brought here for
destruction, were convinced till the very last moment that
they were to be employed on fortification work in the East.
They were told that, before going further, they would have
a bath, and that their clothes would be disinfected. Immediately
after their arrival at the camp they were taken to the large
hall of the house, where they were told to undress, and
then they were driven along a corridor to the front door,
where a large lorry, fitted up as a gas-chamber, was standing.
This, they were told, was to take them to the bath-house.
When the lorry was full, the door was locked, the engine
started, and carbon monoxide was introduced into the interior
through a specially constructed exhaust pipe. After 4-5
minutes, when the cries and struggles of the suffocating
victims were heard no more, the lorry was driven to the
wood, 4 km (2 1/2 miles) away, which was enclosed with a
high fence and surrounded with outposts. Here the corpses
were unloaded and buried, and afterwards burnt in one of
the clearings.
camp was established in November 1941. The extermination
process began on December 8, with the ghetto population
of the cities and towns from the neighbouring Kolo, Dabie,
Sompolno, Klodawa and many other places, and later from
Lodz itself. The first Jews arrived at Chelmno from Lodz
in the middle of January 1942. From that time onwards an
average of 1000 a day was maintained, with short intermissions,
till April 1943. Besides those who were brought by rail,
others were delivered at the camp from time to time in cars,
but such were comparatively rare. Besides those from Poland
there were also transports of Jews from Germany, Austria,
France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Holland; as a rule the Lodz
ghetto served as a distribution centre. The total number
of Jews from abroad amounted to about 16,000. Besides the
300,000 Jews from the Warthegau, about 5,000 Gipsies and
about a thousand Poles and Russian prisoners of war were
murdered at Chelmno. But the execution of the latter took
place mostly at night. They were taken straight to the wood,
and shot.
1943, four lorries filled with children aged from 12-14
without Jewish emblems were brought. The witnesses took
the impression that they were "Aryans". It was
just at this time that the Nazis were expelling the Polish
population from the neighbourhood of Zamosc, and as a rule
separating children from their parents. When the camp was
"liquidated" in 1944 the gas-chamber lorries were
sent back to Germany. At the inquiry it was established
that they had originally been brought from Berlin. There
were three of them, one large enough to hold about 150 persons,
and two with a capacity of 80-100 each. Their official name
was Sonderwagen.
he number of people killed at Chelmno could not be calculated
from reliable data or railway records as the camp authorities
destroyed all the evidence. The investigators were therefore
obliged to confine themselves to the evidence given by witnesses
concerning the number of transports sent to Chelmno. The
final total therefore is 340,000 men, women and children,
from infants to old folk, killed at the extermination camp
at Chelmno.
n the autumn of 1944 the camp in the wood was completely
destroyed, the crematoria being blown up, the huts taken
to pieces, and almost every trace of crime being carefully
removed. A Special Commission from Berlin directed, on the
spot, the destruction of all the evidence of what had been
done. But up to the last moment, January 17 1945, the Sonderkommando
and a group of 47 Jewish workers stayed there. In the night
of January 17/18 1945, the Sonderkommando shot these last
remaining Jews. When they tried to defend themselves and
two gendarmes were killed, the Sonderkommando set fire to
the building in which they were. Only two Jews, Zurawski
and Srebrnik, survived.
Source: Glowna Komisja Badania Zbrodni
Przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu