- Poland
Germans began construction of an extermination camp at Belzec
on November 1, 1941, as part of Aktion Reinhard. By March
17, 1942 - the main installations of the Belzec Extermination
Camp, located near a siding of the Belzec railroad line,
had been constructed, tried out, and the program for mass
extermination was launched. In experimental gassings conducted
in late February, Jews from Lubycze Kralewska and the Jewish
forced laborers who had built the camp for the Germans were
murdered. Anti-tank trenches on the camp premises wegiven
a new function: mass graves for the Jews who would be murdered
there. At first the camp had three gas chambers, each eight
meters long and four meters wide. The trip to the camp took
hours, if not days, under appalling conditions that left
many deportees dead en route and others on the verge of
death. The survivors were unloaded from the trains with
shouting, beatings, and threats. They were told that they
were about to be disinfected. After they undressed and handed
over their possessions, they entered the gas chambers through
what the Germans called "the tube"-a passageway
20 meters long, 2 meters wide, and lined with fences, through
which the victims were driven naked. The chambers were hermetically
sealed and could be opened only from the outside. The gas,
pumped into the chambers through hoses, killed everyone
inside within 20-30 minutes. Each chamber had another aperture
for the removal of the corpses. Some 80,000 Jews from Lublin,
Lvov, and other ghettos in the vicinity were murdered in
Belzec in the camp’s first four weeks of operation.
By the time the camp ceased operations in January 1943,
more than 600,000 persons had been murdered there.