- Poland
a map of the camp 
n July 22, 1942 construction of Treblinka was completed.
Treblinka extermination camp, one of three such camps established
under Operation Reinhard, was built in a sparsely populated
area along the main railroad line between Warsaw and Bialystok.
The camp was camouflaged in a forest and concealed from
the surroundings. The construction work, begun in lateMay,
was carried out by German companies that used Jewish and
Polish forced labor. Giant burial pits were excavated on
the camp’s grounds. The camp was built in the form of a
rectangle, 600 meters long and 400 meters wide, and was
encased in a double barbed-wire fence. High watchtowers
were positioned at the corners of the rectangle and along
the fences. The camp was partitioned into three zones: housing,
reception, and extermination. The last-mentioned was totally
separate. Three gas chambers, designed to look like shower
rooms in every respect, were installed in brick buildings.
Groups of Jews were undressed and made to run to the gas
chambers through a "chute" with fences on either
side. A Diesel motor pumped carbon monoxide gas into the
chambers; death by asphyxiation was achieved in about half
an hour. Mass murder in Treblinka began on July 23, the
day after construction was completed, with groups of Jews
from the Warsaw Ghetto.
reblinka concentration camp was located just 20 km from
Bransk and functioned as a killing center for the Jews of
the Warsaw region. Like other death camp sites, Treblinka
was linked by rail to major Jewish communities in its region
of Poland. The deportation and subsequent exterminaton of
the Warsaw region Jews stood as the largest slaughter of
a single community, Jewish or non-Jewish, during World War
II. In just a seven-week period, 265,000 Jews were deported
and gassed.
About 750,000 Jews were murdered in Treblinka...