Auschwitz-Birkenau (Oswiecim-Brzezinka) - Poland
• a map of the camp 
he death camp was located approximately 60 km (37 miles)
west of Krakow (Cracov), in Eastern Upper Silesia, which
was annexed to Nazi Germany following the defeat of Poland,
in September, 1939. The first camp was built shortly after
Poland's defeat, in a suburb of Oswiecim (Zasole), and held
about 10,000 prisoners. The second site, known as Auschwitz
II, or Birkenau, was located 3 km from the original camp.
Construction began in October 1941.
first, relatively small gas chamber was built in Auschwitz
I. Here the experimental gassing using Zyklon B gas first
took place, on September 3, 1941. The victims were 600 Soviet
prisoners of war and 250 other prisoners. After that experiment,
the firm J. A. Topf and Sons received a contract to build
much larger, permanent gas chambers connected with very
large crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where the mass exterminations
were mainly carried out. Altogether four such installations
-- II, III, IV, and V -- were built in Birkenau." (Encyclopedia
of the Holocaust, Vol. I, 113)
Auschwitz procedure evolved in stages. In April 1942, Slovak
Jews were gassed in Crematorium I, apparently with their
clothes on. Later, deportees from nearby Sosnowiec were
told to undress in the yard. The victims, faced by the peremptory
order to remove their clothes, men in front of women and
women in front of men, became apprehensive. The SS men,
shouting at them, then drove the naked men, women and children
into the gas chamber.
German firms, Tesch/Stabenow and Degesch, produced Cyclone
B gas after they acquired the patent from Farben. Tesch
supplied two tons a month, and Degesch three quarters of
a ton. The firms that produced the gas already had extensive
experience in fumigation. "In short, this industry
used very powerful gases to exterminate rodents and insects
in enclosed spaces; that it should now have become involved
in an operation to kill off Jews by the hundreds of thousands
is not mere accident." (Hilberg, Commandant, 567) After
the war the directors of the firms insisted that they had
sold their products for fumigation purposes and did not
know they were being used on humans. But the prosecutors
found letters from Tesch not only offering to supply the
gas crystals but also advising how to use the ventilating
and heating equipment. Hoess testified that the Tesch directors
could not help but know of the use for their product because
they sold him enough to annihilate two million people. Two
Tesch partners were sentenced to death in 1946 and hanged.
The director of Degesch recieved five years in prison."
B (Zyklon-B) is a powerful insecticide which serves as a
carrier for the gas Hydrocyanic acid, or HCN. It usually
comes in the shape of small pellets or disks. HCN is the
cause of death following the application of Zyklon-B. While
interacting with iron and concrete, it creates Hydrocyanic
compounds, which Leuchter admitted were found in the ruins
of the gas chamber in Krematoria II. His finding was confirmed
by findings of the Polish government. HCN is *extremely
poisonous* to humans. It is used in execution gas chambers
in the US; the first was built in Arizona in 1920. The Germans
had a lot of experience with HCN, as it was extensively
used for delousing.
everal of the seventy or more medical-research projects
conducted by the Nazis between the fall of 1939 and spring
of 1945 were conducted at Auschwitz. These projects involved
experiments conducted with human beings against their will,
and at least seven thousand were so treated, based upon
existing documents and personal testimonies; there were
undoubtedly many more for which no documentation or personal
testimony remains. About two hundred German medical doctors
were involved in the concentration camp experiments, conducting
'Selektionen,' medical services, and research. They maintained
close professional ties with the German medical establishment,
and used the universities and research institutes in Germany
and Austria in their work. Dr. Ernst Robert Grawitz, SS
Chief Medical Officer, received all requests for authority
to perform experimentation, and obtained two opinions before
passing them to Himmler with his recommendation. Grawitz
used Dr. Karl Gebhardt, Himmler's personal physician, for
one opinion, and Richard Glu"cks and Arthur Nebe for
the other. He then passed his report to Himmler, who took
great interest in the experiments and often interfered with
them. There were three broad classes of experiments. The
German Air Force conducted experiments at Dachau (and elsewhere)
dealing with survival and rescue, including research into
the effects of high altitude, freezing temperatures, and
the ingestion of seawater. Medical treatment constituted
a second class, and involved research into the treatment
of battle injuries, gas attacks, and the formulation of
immunization compounds to treat contageous and epidemic
diseases. Finally, there were racial experiments, including
research into dwarfs and twins, serological research, and
skeletal examination. It is this class of horrors that returns
us to Auschwitz. (Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, 957-958)
Auschwitz camp was liberated by USSR army on January 27,
Total number of victims in the Auschwitz death camp is about
1,500,000. Approx. 90% of them were Jews.